Medical College in Qatar
Qatar Foundation
Press Release
WCMC-Q presents Literature, Life in Words this April
Doha, Sunday, April 1, 2007: Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMC-Q) will present Literature, Life in Words, a literary lecture series in April. The series will cover a wide variety of topics from literary greats such as William Shakespeare, to the place of literature and writing in medicine.
Each Monday in April a member of WCMC-Q's writing faculty will deliver an informal talk on an area of their expertise in lecture hall four at 5pm in the Weill Cornell building, Education City.
Members of the community are welcome to attend the lectures. The topics include:
April 2: Did Shakespeare write Shakespeare? A historical excavation
April 9: A children's book for an endangered planet (Color Me Earth)
April 16: To laugh at that which is unhappy: Samuel Beckett's sense of humor
April 23: What Washington Irving did not want us to know: the story of Dame Van Winkle
April 30: The place of literature and writing in medicine
For more information, please contact Rodney Sharkey on 523-3513
or e-mail rxs2001@qatar-med.cornell.edu
For a location map, please visit www.qatar-med.cornell.edu/aboutUs
Webpage http://www.qatar-med.cornell.edu/
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